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Our department

Department of Solid State Chemistry is focused on materials, methodics (X-ray diffraction analysis) and industry applications. A wide choice of Bc., MSc., and Ph.D. programs comprises: chemistry and technology of inorganic materials, X-ray diffraction analysis for pharmaceutical industry and heavy metal migration in the environment.

The research work of the department deals with three topics:

  • Application of X-ray diffraction methods in pharmaceutical industry, research, production and quality check
  • Applied mineralogy
  • Migration of heavy metals in the environment

History of department

Staff of the Department follows the tradition of the former Department of Mineralogy. Professor F. X. M. Zippe has established mineralogical collections in 1835, which were later enriched and perfected by Professor A. Ondřej (1887-1956). The mineralogical collections are the well-known treasure of the institute. The X-ray diffraction methods were introduced to our department in 1945 and have remained the prime analytical method of our department.

Updated: 14.10.2015 14:28, Author: Michal Šimek

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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