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Mineralogical collections

History of the collections

Mineralogical collections at the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology belong to the oldest and best organized university collections. They are internationally registered in a list of world-known collections in Europe.

The first mineralogical collections was created by professor F. X. M. Zippe for pedagogic purposes of the Technical College in Prague in the year 1835. The basis of this collection has enlarged professor Jan Krejci, whose detailed catalogue of minerals issued in the year 1899 has been preserved till the present days. After the first world war the head of the Mineralogy Department was professor Augustin Ondrej. He made his life goal to finish and shape the mineralogical collections in such form which would well serve also to the next generation as a basis of science and pedagogic work. Purchases, donations, collecting expeditions and numerous exchanges have increased the collection from 2 102 to 23 861 inventory numbers. This was also the last entry of professor Ondrej, who passed away on 22 nd July 1956. His successor professor Jan Kaspar visited his life-time perhaps all continents of the world, studying minerals and their deposites. He collected minerals in all countries he visited.

Organization of collections

In the present form the mineralogical collections cover several units. In the first place is the systematic collection which is located in the main large collection hall. In an adjacent smaller room there is the collection of decorative and gem stones. Supplementary collections are located in the corridor in front of the main hall. They include crystalographical, terminological and petrographical collections and further the collections of industrial and technical raw materials. In the so called small collection hall geaochemical and genetic collectioons of minerals are installed. Here are also exhibited collections of meteorites and tektites.

Visiting of the collections

You can visit our mineralogical collections as follows: 

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 16:00
Friday: 9:00 - 14:00

You must arrange the visit by e-mail or by phone with the secretary (+420-220443798) or with head of department (+420-220444086).


sbirky_9 (originál) sbirky_3 (originál)
Decoration and precious stones coll. Glass models of diamonds
sbirky_5 (originál) sbirky_6 (originál)
Model of gold and platinum nuggets Models of crystal types
sbirky_10 (originál) sbirky_8 (originál)
Petrographic collection Corridor in front of main hall
sbirky_1 (originál) sbirky_7 (originál)
Meteorite collection Main collection hall



Updated: 10.5.2017 14:46, Author: Martin Babor

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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